Saturday, December 28, 2013

Santa delivers wheels

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Discover Linux

Fedora Project, a great resource to learn Linux and understand the Linux Community.

Leading with fresh applications and the newest development in Linux, Fedora Project is hands on experience. A great place to start is Fedora Documentation. This in depth information on installing and running Fedora, also provides a great reference for configuring your system.

After going over Fedora Docs, grab the latest Fedora Live ISO. Good test of your hardware's compatibility and nice test run of Fedora.

Finally, if you think Fedora might be a good Linux distro to learn with, check out the great Linux community of Fedora Forum. Great resource, great people, and a wealth of information.

Fedora Project is sometimes called the leading edge of Linux development. An innovative Linux distro can present challenges. Though Fedora releases are stable, there can be some rough edges, and thus the opportunity to learn and grow with a great Linux distro.

Fedora Project is a solid operating system. For over a decade, I have used Fedora (redhat) Linux. Dependable system for work and play. And a great value. You gain knowledge of an Operating System you control and configure, and you can participate in a great community.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Sofa Super Hero

Life's a balance...

Sometimes you save the day, and sometimes you kick back and relax.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Nap needs

What does Grandma need for a nap?

Two watchful Grandchildren and a little white dog to sit on you.